
project title

A four-person team project. Beginning with a collaboration effort using Agile MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to create user stories, discuss functionality, and break-down tasks. Kanban was utilized to assign responsibility and measure work progress.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project and read about my contribution.

project title
Node SQL Storefront (Node & SQL)

A fictional online store using SQL statements to query and track product sales across the store's departments and provide a summary to track profitability by department. The application has three view types: Customer, Manager and Supervisor.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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Google Books Search API (MERN)

This application was built using Express and Node on the back-end and React on the front-end. Data is stored using MongoDB Atlas.

Enter a book related search term (i.e. book title or author) in the application's search field. Google's Books API will return a list of books based on your search.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

Node Liri Image
Liri Virtual Assistant (Node & axios)

Liri is a clone of Apple’s Siri virtual assistant that is used in the terminal. Enter a command in the terminal and Liri will return the results of the search.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

Mongo Scraper
Mongo-scraper - Express & MongoDB

When you just want the major headlines from the New York Times website - Mongo-scraper will extract the main articles and list them in an easy to read format. You also have the option to save the article and add notes to saved articles.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

project title

A four-person team project. Beginning with a collaboration effort using Agile MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to create user stories, discuss functionality, and break-down tasks. Kanban was utilized to assign responsibility and measure work progress.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project and read about my contribution.

project title

SQL Queries

The objective of this PowerPoint presentation is to create SQL queries on a fictional company's relational database to determine which marketing campaigns attributed to new users (first-touch) and a user's final exposure (last-touch).

Visit PowerPoint Presentation
project title

The Clicky Game (React)

Test your memory with The Clicky Game. View the twelve images on the site, click on an image and try not to select the same image. View your score and try to beat the high score.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

Node Liri Image
Word Guessing Game (Node)

A Game of Thrones themed word guessing game. Built on Node.js platform using JavaScript Class constructors to create and initialize the object used for the game.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

project title
React Expense Ledger

This is a sample application using React framework with Redux.

Manage expenses with React Expense Ledger. Expenses are stored in Google's Firebase database. Filter expenses by text or date, and sort expenses by amount or date.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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Friend Finder (Node & Express)

Full-stack application that evaluates the results from a survey, then compares the answers with those from other users.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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Eat-Da-Burger (Express & MySQL)

Full-stack application that lets a user input a burger they want to try and mark them "devoured" once eaten.

This application was designed following the Model–View–Controller (MVC) framework.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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Trivia Game

Trivia game built with JavaScript for logic, CSS for styling and jQuery for DOM manipulation.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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Node Chat App

Chat app built on Node.js platform - running on Express.js web framework.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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React Todo App

Todo App built on the React framework. User authentication and data storage is provided by Firebase SDK.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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Train Prediction Application

This app allows the user to add, edit and delete a train's schedule. The app also calculates the train's next arrival based on departure time and frequency.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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Word Guessing Game

The Guess the Country Game is similar to hangman. The country's name is hidden behind a row of dashes - each dash represents a letter of that country.

Visit the GitHub README file for more information about the project.

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New project will be deployed soon.

Social Platforms

For more information, visit my GitHub and LinkedIn account.

Feel free to contact me if you have a question.
Cell Phone: 215-287-1093